Tuesday, August 7, 2007


I know I am not the most qualified to comment on this yet but I am going to anyway. As becoming a father quickly approaches it is very strange the weird societal pressures that are put on you. For example, you must buy the 1 million dollar stroller otherwise your child will DIE! Or questions people ask like “Are you going to let your child run around without pants on?” Or “Your not supposed to bring the child outside for the first 3 months because there are too many germs for them and they will DIE!” Its like every question/statement is judging. I don’t think I am hypersensitive but maybe I am. What is wrong with different means to the same end(a healthy child). Trust me, I need lots of help and ask lots of questions. Answers like we didn’t like cloth diapers because they were to much work or we didn’t like that stroller because it was just too heavy. or Baby A didn’t like that dress because it gave her a rash or Baby A2 really likes being held like this. Great information.. The bad ones are “Babies must eat xxx or they will grow up dumb” Maybe its just the fear thing or underlying fear that gets to me. The other strange thing is that having a baby IS the greatest thing ever. I mean it has to be otherwise you’re a horrible parent! It is obviously life changing but who says everything is for the better? I even have a hard time writing that for fear everyone will think I don’t want to have a child and will be a horrible parent. Isn’t everything that is worth anything a little give and take? Is it wrong to miss spontaneously going to the cardinal for a beer? Or spontaneously going to a Prince concert? Doesn’t mean you want to ditch your child but it doesn’t mean that having a child HAS to be the greatest thing ever all the time otherwise you’re a horrible parent….

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