Friday, October 16, 2009

Too Cool Fixie

Anyone who bikes knows there are "groups" of bikers. You have your spandexed out road riders, you have your jean wearing wallet chain toating single speed and fixed gear guys, you have the adrenaline junkie mountain bikers, then you have the rest. Ok there are a lot more divisions of biking but for this conversation that will suffice. I will try not to generalize but it makes it so much easier to be angry at people when you can catagorize them. All this brings me to my ride home yesterday. I tend to bike home fast. Part of it is just to get home quick to releave Author#1 from child duty. Part of it is just trying to bike fast to get more excercise. Yesterday I pull up to a stop light on Portalnd and Lake. For those of you who don't know Portland is a 3 lane one way road out of the city that has a nice bike lane on it. Also I have learned that if I bike around 21-23 mph I can catch all but one light. As I pull up to the stop light at Lake it is red so I stop to wait for it to turn greem(This is the first light I hit off the bike path so usually I have to wait for it.) As I wait for it to turn green another biker kind of just pulls in front of me. Of course it is a fixie dude with his trendy backpack, torn jeans, and wallet chain. He does his little balancing act until the light turns green and we start to go. I almost immediately want to go around him because I want to make sure I go fast enough to catch all the lights. He then proceeds to ride in the middle of the bike lane so I can't pass him on the inside because of parked cars and can't pass him on the otherside because of moving cars. So I wait to a point where there are no parked cars figuring he will move over and I can pass him. The problem is he doesn't. So I wait for the next break in parked cars and pass him on the inside. This apparently disrupted his senses. There is this strange thing where bikers hate to be passed. I can't tell you how many people speed up when I pass them. In any case as I pass him he starts to yell something to the affect of "HI! Bye!". He must of yelled it about 5 times looking for some reaction from me. I so badly wanted to stop and let him know that this wouldn't have been an issue if one he didn't pull in front of me at the light at Lake St. Or two had the decency to move over when I was behind him. Instead I just sped by him ignoring him hoping I could go fast enough to make the lights.

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