I got my first flat tire on my road bike this morning. Not ao good morning to get it but I got'r done and made it to work in under an hour.
On a completely different subject...I am not one to really dislike people but a have a corworker that I just really can't stand. One he is horribly lazy, everything he has ever done is the hardest thing ever done, and he talks to himslef all day long. For me these three things are the perfect storm of disliking. I will give you a perfect example of one in the list of many reasons I can't take this guy. I am sitting here working away. His cell phone rings...no big deal. He answers it and says hello. Now whetjer he says hello too quickly or the other person has an issue on there end(which I doubt because this happens a lot)I don't know but they never seem to hear him and must reply Hello. His reply "That is what I said.". I am not joking that I hear that about 2-3 times a day. Everytime I hear it I think what an asshole.
On another completely different subject that Glen Beck book is a joke. He goes on and on talking about the constitution and how we have strayed from it etc etc. He then talkes about these questions you must ask yourself and answer honestly. I don't have them in front of me but one of them revolved around everyone must speak english. I am not costitution scholar but I am pretty sure that isn't in any of the amendments to the constitution. So why is he even talking about it. There were a few other ones that I will try to post. I have only ever put 1 book down before finishing reading it. This one might make it to number 2. It is a struggle to read.
My once 3lb baby is now the BIG Sister!
12 years ago
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