After endless amounts of research I have come to a conclusion. That conclusion is that baby sleep books are a bunch of crap. I might even go as far as to say they are a scam aimed at poor new sleep deprived parents willing to try anything to sleep. This hard research comes from Isaac. He pretty much sleeps as much as he feels like at night. Nothing changes he sleeps 8 hours straight then the next night he wakes up every 2 hours. Ive decided to come up with a snappy name and write my own baby sleep aid book. It will be called Baby in a Coma. I will come up with all these great ideas of how to get your baby to sleep but then I will set unrealistic guidelines so that I alway have an out when the baby doesn't sleep. One such guidelines is that every night routine must be exactly the same. If you deviate your baby will never ever ever sleep through the night and you are doomed to fall asleep at the wheel of your car and crash into a tree. I think you get the idea. I am sure it will make me millions.
On a completely different subject. I hate when engineers say have you checked this or checked that or did you think about this or what about this but never have to answer any questions or give any ideas themsleves. It is almost like an Engineer critic who never has to come up with an idea themselves but is quick to point out everyone else short falls or percieved short falls.
My once 3lb baby is now the BIG Sister!
12 years ago
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