Friday, December 15, 2006

Evening things out

I acquired a bike last Friday night. Actually it's a loaner for while I am here. A mountain bike that was actually purchased in Minnesota, it's sturdy, sits upright, has a 'wide-seat' and most-importantly--mud flaps, but bad brake pads. It's a little short for my frame, but since it cuts my commute in half, I am not complaining. Until this morning. A clear morning and near freezing, I wasn't too concerned about the conditions of the road as I rode slowly up the long hills to work. Today was a special day, though, as I planned to take a detour and visit my now-favorite bakery in Oslo--Apent Bakery (meaning Open Bakery) to pick up the close rival to the currant-cream scone sold at the May Day Cafe in Minneapolis. As I was happily biking, er coasting, down the hill from the bakery I made a right turn onto Sognsveien (street) and skidded right onto the right side of my body, now realizing just how slippery the roads were. A kind man on his bike, helped me pick up my backpack and bike and bring it to the sidewalk...and told me I should get spikes on my bike. Still stunned I had fallen and not sure I really wanted to move, I shyly agreed and proceeded to walk my bike the rest of the way to work. The only positive thing to this fall was that it was on my right hip and elbow (not my left, which usually feels all the pains of my falls). Now only if my white shirt felt the same way, as it now has a little blood stained elbow!

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