apparently I have become a suspect for bombing. Why you might ask? Oh because I
happen to carry a backpack. Oh and my backpack has a
blinky light which we all know signifies a bomb inside. So I bike to work pretty much every day and then shower in the locker room next to the shop floor. When I have a lot of jobs on the shop floor I tend to check out my jobs before heading upstairs. When I do this I usually throw my back pack in a corner in the locker room and grab it when I go upstairs to my office. I have been doing this for about a year. Well
apparently this day someone thought my bag might be a bomb and called security. Thankfully security
didn't over react and just came and got my bag. The ensuing phone call entailed the security officer telling me "We have something of yours." . I was waiting for him to say what it was he had of mine even though at this point I knew it was my backpack because it was missing when I went to go grab it. I then got the lecture about how I shouldn't leave my bag unattended as it could be thought of as a bomb. In my head I was screaming "You have to Fn kidding me. This is a freaking joke." but on the outside I was just nodding along numbly waiting for him to finish his speal and to walk away. One last thing is that you need a security badge to get into the building so it
isn't like any bomber can just walk in here and bomb you it almost has to be an employee. FEAR YOUR CO-WORKERS THEY COULD BOMB OR SHOOT YOU AT ANY MOMENT.... I would be willing to bet a lot of money that the guy whow feared my back pack voted for GW in the last election...